Successful Black Bear Hunting
Paperback: http://a.co/d/iSoTgzc
The black bear population is on the rise, and a newfound interest in bear hunting is skyrocketing. For some bear hunting holds the possibility of being attacked by the blood thirsty beast they are stalking, for others it?s eliminating nothing more than a pesky pest, and still for others it?s the chance to catch a treasured fleeting glimpse of a true symbol of the wilderness. Woods-wise sporting enthusiasts rate the black bear as one of the most elusive beasts in the wild, making him difficult to study in his native habitat. Fortunately Bill Vaznis provides hunters with everything they need to know about black bears, and how to successfully harvest them, in this compelling combination of entertaining hunting stories and how-to information. Coverage includes where to hunt bears and choosing the right outfitter; hunting trophy bears; and getting the most out of a hunt.
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