The Man with 17 Lives
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Who is God? The target audience is a reader who does not regularly attend church services, does not read the bible, believes time is not measured in hundreds or thousands of years but rather in billions of light years and does not pray to a higher being . . . except to fill an inside straight. Yet something in the back of his mind tells him that God does indeed exist, that there is a higher power in the universe and that everything happens for a reason. Indeed, there are no coincidences in life. But how does the average guy reach Him? The real purpose of this book is to let the reader that s/he does not need to be an angel, a card-carrying Christian or a pillar of society to gain entry into the realms of the afterlife. In fact, you do not need to rely on a priest, a Rabbi, a minister, a nun, a pastor, a monk, a witch doctor, a soothsayer or a TV evangelist to run interference for you. Why? We all have a direct line to the Commander-in-Chief if we would only take the time to recognize His presence in our daily lives. Indeed, I have survived several near and certain death experiences. Fast motorcycles, encounters with wild animals, a pedophile, a couple of accidents, three near drownings, five heart attacks, a mini stroke, two pulmonary embolisms, two bouts with cancer, and several fool hardy stunts could not put me in the ground. Indeed, if it were not for Devine intervention I would be long dead. Was my life preordained, and if so, for what purpose?
"Life is a journey and this book is about a part of that journey. It is not a religious book so if you are reading it to be comforted by religion, you will be greatly disappointed. This book is about reality, the reality of God reaching out in a man's life to show him that not only does God exist, but He breaks into our lives to open the door for a relationship with Him. Religion is man-made, reality is God-given. This book is about a man who has experienced both the victories and the vicissitudes of life and during it all has seen the hand of God, heard His voice, and tried desperately to figure out who He is and why He does what He does.
I've known Bill for almost 50 years. He is, in all respects, an ordinary guy with some extraordinary talent in writing, photography, hunting and fishing. This book outlines how God has showed Himself to this ordinary guy in many different ways from his childhood years to being a seasoned citizen. I've watched as Bill diligently tried to make sense of it all as he examined how God showed up in his life: saving his life sometimes, meeting him as Bill crossed the line to eternity then returning him to life, and speaking to his heart in desperate times as Bill needed to hear from Him.
I don't know if this book will answer any questions, as a matter of fact, it may create many more questions than it answers. If it is read carefully it may open some eyes to the real possibility that God exists. If read with an open heart and a non-critical attitude one may find this a refreshing read and a life-changing experience. I don't know what you are looking for, or what you will find, but I can assure you that you will be touched by the raw truth and the humble, honest self-disclosure of a man searching for his own answers and finding them in the reality of God."
Rev. Kenneth A. Marshall
Assistant Pastor
Greece Assembly of God
"Bill Vaznis is certain that he has met God, heard God’s voice, and been saved repeatedly from dying by God. But don’t make the mistake of thinking this is a religious book. It’s not, but it does give insight into how many people see God apart from scriptural or doctrinal standards. It isn’t written for Christians, but Christians might see themselves in it. Read this well-written personal memoir of a curmudgeon who jumps from one crisis to another, keeps on going, and is likely to outlive all his peers. If nothing else, you'll finish the book rooting for him and saying "Long live Bill Vaznis!" "
—Steve Sorensen, www.EverydayHunter.com
Ed Hall
I was with Bill the day after his swim in the Salmon River!! I believe every word he wrote! Maybe someone really is pulling the strings on we puppets! We shall all find out eventually. I was one of his writer staff for five years, and, aside from his describing his dunk in the Salmon River the previous day, he never even hinted about his misfortunes, only that his stomach at al were removed.
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