I am outdoor writer and photographer Bill Vaznis. I grew up in western Massachusetts and like my father have been an avid outdoorsman all my life. You may have encountered my articles, columns and photographs over the last 30 years in Deer & Deer Hunting, Bowhunting World, American Hunter, Whitetail Strategies and other fine magazines, or my deer and bear hunting how-to books, or my two western novels . . . THE RETURN OF THE LARAMIE KID and THE DIRTY WHITE STETSON . . . that depict several realistic NDES’s (Near Death Experiences). These westerns both have whitetail bowhunting scenes while one features Goliath, a 92-pound giant rattlesnake, and the other Engendro, an 880-pound giant mutant blue catfish.
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Tags: bill vaznis, author, writer, editor, outdoorsman, hunting guide, hunting tips, superman, pulitzer prize, pulitzer prize nominee, deer hunting, deer hunter, american bear hunter, north american bear hunter, north american bear hunter magazine, outdoor life, outdoor life authors, field and stream, field & stream, field and stream authors, field & stream authors, 500 hunting tips, the man with 17 lives, the man with 17 lives book, the laramie kid, the return of the laramie kid, the laramie kid book, the return of the laramie kid book, dirty white stetson, dirty white stetson book, the laramie kid and the dirty white stetson, the laramie kid and the dirty white stetson book, trophy black bear, trophy black bear tips, hunting trophy black bear, monster black bear, hunting monster black bear, black bear hunting tips, hunting tips for black bear, hunting black bear, successful black bear hunting, how to hunt black bear, how to get trophy black bear, bear experts, bear expert, black bear expert, how to still hunt, the art of still hunting

The Man with 17 Lives

The 4 BearMen
Find out more about it here on the Brothers Of the Bear Facebook page.

Three Tips for Patterning and Tracking Black Bears

How to Still-Hunt for Whitetails With a Bow

How to Run a Bear Drive

North American Bear Hunter Magazine
Black bears are a challenging species to hunt, and the best bear hunters I know think B-E-A-R year round. If you're an avid bear hunter this magazine is for you.
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